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Escher in Rome, Italy 

The current exhibit Rome runs to April 1, 2024.

It has over 300 works, including some rare unique works that haven't graced an exhibit wall in decades.  And get yourself lost in an immersive room!



For more information and details please check: or

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Escher in Vero Beach, FL 

The current exhibit at Naples Art in Naples, Florida runs to December 30, 2023.


See over 150 works, including original woodblocks and a lithograph stone.




Escher in Naples, FL - ended

The current exhibit at Naples Art in Naples, Florida runs to February 12, 2023.

Mezzotints and Metamorphosis and a Still Life with Street grace the walls of Naples. 



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Escher in Houston - ended 

The current exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is the largest, most comprehensive Escher museum show ever created.  This is the first exhibition to use the collection from Escher's estate. For the past forty years many of these works have been in storage with some occasionally lent to other exhibits.  Some of the works now on display have never been seen by the public and do not appear in any Escher books!  It is a must-see for any Escher lover (including the scratch drawing shown above).


I'm honored to have contributed to the descriptions of works on the wall labels and even a few snippets of thoughts to the audio tour.  Thank you, Houston!



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The Escher Site - Salvatore Iaquinta

T:   510-432-6231 (Marin, California)


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All Escher images are copyright of The M.C. Escher 

Co.  The M.C. Escher Co. and The M.C. Escher Foundation approve of this site. 


*We have signed Escher artworks as well as unsigned. About 1/2 of all original Escher artworks were unsigned. All Escher artworks were printed during his life. 

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